
Purification Programs

Purification programs 10 to 21 days in length are a great way to gently detoxify your body and improve the function of the organs of elimination such as Liver, Kidney, Colon, Skin.  It is specifically nice when done in a group , a friend or at home with your partner or family.

This program avoids a lot of the foods that you might be sensitive or allergic to such as gluten containing grains, (wheat, corn  being  the worst) dairy, soy, nuts ,stimulants and most of all sugar. By avoiding highly  processed  foods or  foods that are triggering  a unhealthy response in your body patients regain a sense of well-being . The common response is that many of the aches and pains are gone as the source of inflammation is removed.  Sleep and emotions improve,  people  feel lighter, more energetic , lose some weight and are more motivated to exercise  and create healthy eating habits.

What Patients say who have completed the Purification Program:

Doing the Purification Program made me lose 8 inches. I notice increased energy, clearer thinking and experience less headaches in the morning. The program was easier than what I thought. C.

Towards the end of the Program I noticed how my energy level had increased a lot, my skin looked better, my allergy symptoms improved greatly and my blood sugar became much more stable. The program was easier than what I thought  and I enjoyed all the different vegetable dishes. R.G.

Doing the program I lost  10lbs., my energy increased and my attitude towards food changed. I took control of my food intake instead of the food controlling me. I highly recommend this Purification Program. B.F.

By doing the 21 day program I experienced more energy lost some weight. The program showed me the actual benefit of thinking about what I eat before I eat it. I will incorporate that habit into my daily  life .  I am interested in doing the Purification Program once a year. T. D.

The Purification Program has given me more energy, great sleep, and more focus because of a clearer mind. It increased my sense of smell. I got more in tune with my body on all levels. Thank you. K.N.

My cravings for wheat and my anxiety decreased dramatically It took me a few days to change my habits. After that the program was easy to follow. S.S.

The Purification Program helped me to lose weight, the sluggishness was gone, the allergies, sinus pressure cleared up, I slept really well, had more energy and just felt terrific. After 21 days I did not feel like going back to drinking coffee and garbage food does not look good to me. If I can do it, anyone can do it.

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