
Micro Acupuncture for Degenerative Eye Diseases

Eye ChartIn 2003 Heidi Day was trained I as one of five practitioners in  the system of Micro Acupuncture by Dr. Per Otte.

Micro Acupuncture TM is a system involving 48 Acupuncture points located in hands and feet. They are not associated with any other Acupuncture system and were first discovered and researched in Denmark in the 1980s by Dr. Freddy Dahlgreen

Micro Acupuncture is used for degenerative eye diseases such as Macular Degeneration, Retinitis Pigmentosa,  Diabetic  Retinopathy, Glaucoma and many other  eye conditions.

Micro Acupuncture stimulates the blood flow to the eyes and therefore  improves healthy circulation and promotes healing of the affected structures.

Many eye conditions are degenerative in nature and through the application of Micro Acupuncture treatments can be prevented from getting worse and actually help improve a person’s eye sight.

Healing Points-high resolution 5A typical treatment plan involves 2  to 3 daily treatments about 40 min. in length and  1 to 2 hours apart over the course of five days. 15 treatments are one course of treatment. Depending on the improvement a person might stop there or come back for a second week of treatments.  Patients usually continue with Micro Acupuncture and come back once or twice a year  for follow-up treatments. Some people who live close to the clinic might come for one or two days of treatment once a month or once every two months.

High quality vitamins or herbal supplements as well as a healthy diet are a must to maintain and support the progress. People from out of town stay in a nearby hotel and visit the clinic daily.

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